Kitgum District

by December 4, 2024

The access rates in Kitgum vary from 65 % in Namokora Sub-County to 95 % in Central division Sub-County. Kitgum has 1,417 domestic water points which serve a total of 216,681 people – 201,109 in rural areas. 662 water points have been non-functional for over 5 years and are considered abandoned. Kitgum has 6 piped schemes.



Rural Functionality








Population Density (people/km2) and Population

50 250 1,000 2,000
  100 500 1,500  
LAK Labongo Akwang 66
Labongo Akwang
Population 66
Namokora TC Unknown
Namokora TC
Population 0
Pager Division Unknown
Pager Division
Population 0
LLY Labongo Layamo 116
Labongo Layamo
Population 116
Mucwini West Unknown
Mucwini West
Population 0
Kitgum Matidi TC Unknown
Kitgum Matidi TC
Population 0
Labongo Amida West Unknown
Labongo Amida West
Population 0
Mucwini East Unknown
Mucwini East
Population 0
KMT Kitgum Matidi 105
Kitgum Matidi
Population 105
NMK Namokora 43
Population 43
Omiya Anyima West Unknown
Omiya Anyima West
Population 0
ORM Orom 8
Population 8
LGR Lagoro 71
Population 71
MCW Mucwini 20
Population 20
Lalano Unknown
Population 0
Kiteny Unknown
Population 0
Orom East Unknown
Orom East
Population 0
Namokora North Unknown
Namokora North
Population 0
LAM Labongo Amida 41
Labongo Amida
Population 41
KTC Central division 439
Central division
Population 439
OAN Omiya Anyima 78
Omiya Anyima
Population 78

Population figures are projections to the above mentioned date based on UBOS census 2014 and district growth rates. Population density is calculated on land area only. Boundaries reflect the preliminary status only.

Access to Safe Water

20 % 60 %
  40 % 80 %
Total Access 83 %
Rural Access 89 %
Urban Access 45 %

Kiteny 95 %
Population Served 8,312
Namokora TC NWSC
Namokora TC
Population Served NWSC
Omiya Anyima West 95 %
Omiya Anyima West
Population Served 11,994
Lalano 95 %
Population Served 9,153
Namokora North 77 %
Namokora North
Population Served 7,854
Mucwini West 95 %
Mucwini West
Population Served 8,206
Kitgum Matidi TC 95 %
Kitgum Matidi TC
Population Served 6,523
Labongo Amida West 95 %
Labongo Amida West
Population Served 9,680
Mucwini East 95 %
Mucwini East
Population Served 6,944
Orom East 95 %
Orom East
Population Served 11,994
KMT Kitgum Matidi 95 %
Kitgum Matidi
Population Served 13,256
KTC Central division NWSC
Central division
Population Served NWSC
LAK Labongo Akwang 95 %
Labongo Akwang
Population Served 17,149
LAM Labongo Amida 95 %
Labongo Amida
Population Served 9,364
LGR Lagoro 95 %
Population Served 17,149
LLY Labongo Layamo 95 %
Labongo Layamo
Population Served 12,730
MCW Mucwini 95 %
Population Served 10,310
NMK Namokora 65 %
Population Served 10,584
OAN Omiya Anyima 69 %
Omiya Anyima
Population Served 16,650
ORM Orom 95 %
Population Served 13,256
Pager Division NWSC
Pager Division
Population Served NWSC

Access to safe water is the ratio of people served by a safe water point and piped water supply to the total population.
The calculation is based on an estimated number of people per water point type. Maximum access rate can be 95%.

Access to Safe Water

20 % 60 %
  40 % 80 %
Total Access 83 %
Rural Access 89 %
Urban Access 45 %

Kiteny 95 %
Population Served 8,312
Namokora TC NWSC
Namokora TC
Population Served NWSC
Omiya Anyima West 95 %
Omiya Anyima West
Population Served 11,994
Lalano 95 %
Population Served 9,153
Namokora North 77 %
Namokora North
Population Served 7,854
Mucwini West 95 %
Mucwini West
Population Served 8,206
Kitgum Matidi TC 95 %
Kitgum Matidi TC
Population Served 6,523
Labongo Amida West 95 %
Labongo Amida West
Population Served 9,680
Mucwini East 95 %
Mucwini East
Population Served 6,944
Orom East 95 %
Orom East
Population Served 11,994
KMT Kitgum Matidi 95 %
Kitgum Matidi
Population Served 13,256
KTC Central division NWSC
Central division
Population Served NWSC
LAK Labongo Akwang 95 %
Labongo Akwang
Population Served 17,149
LAM Labongo Amida 95 %
Labongo Amida
Population Served 9,364
LGR Lagoro 95 %
Population Served 17,149
LLY Labongo Layamo 95 %
Labongo Layamo
Population Served 12,730
MCW Mucwini 95 %
Population Served 10,310
NMK Namokora 65 %
Population Served 10,584
OAN Omiya Anyima 69 %
Omiya Anyima
Population Served 16,650
ORM Orom 95 %
Population Served 13,256
Pager Division NWSC
Pager Division
Population Served NWSC

Access to safe water is the ratio of people served by a safe water point and piped water supply to the total population.
The calculation is based on an estimated number of people per water point type. Maximum access rate can be 95%.

Functionality of Point Water Sources

60 % 80 %
70 % 90 %
Rural Functionality 51 %
Urban Functionality 65 %

Kiteny 31 %
Functional Sources NWSC
Namokora TC NWSC
Namokora TC
Functional Sources NWSC
Omiya Anyima West 69 %
Omiya Anyima West
Functional Sources NWSC
Lalano 36 %
Functional Sources NWSC
Namokora North 46 %
Namokora North
Functional Sources NWSC
Mucwini West 81 %
Mucwini West
Functional Sources NWSC
Kitgum Matidi TC 50 %
Kitgum Matidi TC
Functional Sources NWSC
Labongo Amida West 70 %
Labongo Amida West
Functional Sources NWSC
Mucwini East 64 %
Mucwini East
Functional Sources NWSC
Orom East 41 %
Orom East
Functional Sources NWSC
KMT Kitgum Matidi 54 %
Kitgum Matidi
Functional Sources NWSC
KTC Central division NWSC
Central division
Functional Sources NWSC
LAK Labongo Akwang 54 %
Labongo Akwang
Functional Sources NWSC
LAM Labongo Amida 54 %
Labongo Amida
Functional Sources NWSC
LGR Lagoro 22 %
Functional Sources NWSC
LLY Labongo Layamo 64 %
Labongo Layamo
Functional Sources NWSC
MCW Mucwini 68 %
Functional Sources NWSC
NMK Namokora 47 %
Functional Sources NWSC
OAN Omiya Anyima 42 %
Omiya Anyima
Functional Sources NWSC
ORM Orom 38 %
Functional Sources NWSC
Pager Division NWSC
Pager Division
Functional Sources NWSC

Functionality is the ratio of functional water sources to all water sources. Sources not operating for five or more years are assumed to be abandoned, and hence are not included in the calculation.

People served per technology

Reasons for non-functionality

Type of Management

Source of Funding

District Water Supply Summary

AccessFunctionalityPoint Water SourcesPiped Water Systems
Shallow wellsDeep boreholesRainwater
harvesting tanks
PSP/Kiosk, Tap standsYTHHICNWSC
Chua East                               
 1 Omiya Anyima WestRural12,62511,99495%69%--------3564121113------------No
 2 Mucwini EastRural7,3096,94495%64%--------26834178-11---------No
 3 Namokora TCUrban3,101NWSCNWSC-42%50%------1110211910112---325---Yes
 4 KitenyRural8,7498,31295%31%--------162541-1111------------No
 5 NamokoraRural16,28010,58465%47%--------20153531114------------No
 6 Mucwini WestRural8,6388,20695%81%------11327393-3------------No
 7 MucwiniRural10,85310,31095%68%------225165711617------------No
 8 Orom EastRural12,62511,99495%41%-----134252853189------------No
 9 OromRural13,95413,25695%38%-----112293261-1616------------No
 10 Namokora NorthRural10,1897,85477%46%--------141226279------------No
 11 Omiya AnyimaRural24,25416,65069%42%------1130245442226------------No
Total 128,577109,05085514233000281028917346218118136123000325000No
Chua West                               
 1 Labongo AmidaRural9,8579,36495%54%-100%------391655-17171-1---------No
 2 LagoroRural18,05217,14995%22%------22215273-2121-22---123---No
 3 Labongo LayamoRural13,40012,73095%64%-100%----11642589110111-1---------No
 4 Labongo AkwangRural18,05217,14995%54%-100%---2137234106-27271-1----11---No
 5 Kitgum Matidi TCRural6,8666,52395%50%--------2517421910------------No
 6 Kitgum MatidiRural13,95413,25695%54%--------462066-1919------------No
 7 Labongo Amida WestRural10,1899,68095%70%------11471360-66------------No
 8 LalanoRural9,6359,15395%36%------22121931---------------No
 9 Pager DivisionUrban17,986NWSCNWSC---------------------------Yes
Total 117,99195,00581510600002793261965222109111325000134000No
Kitgum MC                               
 1 Central divisionUrban13,290NWSCNWSC-71%-2242469522117121830------1-1511168244Yes
Total 13,29012,6269507102242469522117121830000000101511168244No
District 259,858216,68183516550224619257103911,101322452774480005510511168244No

F = Functional; NF = Non-Functional; Tot = Total; YT = Yard Tap; HH = Household Connections; IC = Institutional Connections

Piped Water Supply Systems

Type of Scheme/GFSNumber of
Functionality of SystemType of ManagementWB in place
FunctionalNon-FunctionalPartially FunctionalPrivate OperatorWSCPrivate/IndividualNWSCOtherYesNo
Unknown/Not GFS62400000000
Surface Water Based/Not GFS11000000000
Groundwater based/Not GFS73310101220

GFS = Gravity Flow Scheme; WB = Water Board; WSC = Water Source Committee